Microsoft boasted a record fiscal third quarter on Thursday, but disappointed investors were looking for more signs that businesses were buying technology again.
The following is a roundup of my stories from Investor’s Business Daily at Investors.com and Click, IBD’s Tech Blog.
Microsoft hears one hand clapping over its Q3 earnings report. Investors sell off shares. (April 23, 2010)
Microsoft gets a lift in Q3 from Windows 7 PC sales. But investors wanted more. (April 22, 2010)
Netflix is focused on moving DVD subscribers to streaming video. (April 21, 2010)
Netflix adds record number of new subscribers in Q1, credits online streaming video service. (April 21, 2010)
Apple’s iPhone a hot product overseas, especially in China. (April 20, 2010)
Apple smashes Wall Street’s Q2 estimates on runaway iPhone and Mac sales. International sales played a big role. (April 20, 2010)